- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag
Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton nach dem Performance-Prinzip – Zustandserfassung an Brücken
Informationen aus einem DAfStb-Verbundforschungsvorhaben
Kubens, Stefan / Lozano-Valcarcel, Juan Mauricio / Krankel, Thomas / Müller, Christoph / Gehlen, Christoph
Die Dauerhaftigkeit von Betonbauwerken wird in den aktuellen Regelwerken im Wesentlichen mit deskriptiven Regeln sichergestellt. DIN EN 1992, DIN EN 206-1, DIN EN 13670 und DIN 1045 Teil 2 bis 4 fassen alle Anforderungen zusammen. Zwischen den Ergebnissen von Lebensdauerbetrachtungen auf der Grundlage im Labor ermittelter Dauerhaftigkeitskennwerte und des fib Model Code einerseits und den in Deutschland aktuell gültigen deskriptiven Regeln des Betonbaus andererseits, konnten in der Vergangenheit Abweichungen festgestellt werden. An dieser Stelle setzt das Projekt an, über das hier berichtet wird. Um die auf der Basis des aktuellen Regelwerks realisierten Bauwerkszustande hinsichtlich Dauerhaftigkeit einschätzen zu können, ist die Erfassung der Zuverlässigkeit eines repräsentativen Bauwerksbestands, geplant und gebaut nach der aktuellen DIN 1045, besonders wichtig. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Untersuchung eines repräsentativen Bauwerksbestands an Brücken-/Ingenieurbauwerken, die nach den deskriptiven Vorgaben der ZTV-ING und DIN 1045:2001 geplant und errichtet worden sind. Bei den Bauwerksuntersuchungen und anschließenden Laboruntersuchungen an Baustoffproben wurden dauerhaftigkeitsrelevante Kennwerte wie z.B. die Carbonatisierungsrate, der Chlorideindringwiderstand und der tiefengestaffelte Chloridgehalt geprüft. Auf der Basis dieser Untersuchungen kann eine Aussage zur Zuverlässigkeit des deskriptiven Konzepts hinsichtlich der Dauerhaftigkeit gemacht werden. Die Untersuchungen dienen auch dazu, Unterschiede zwischen den aktuell diskutierten Performance-Ansätzen und dem deskriptiven Konzept zu identifizieren.
Durability of concrete according to the performance principle – condition assessment of bridges
The durability of concrete structures is essentially ensured in the current regulations with descriptive rules. DIN EN 1992, DIN EN 206-1, DIN EN 13670 and DIN 1045 Parts 2 to 4 summarize all requirements. In the past, deviations have been identified between the results of service life considerations based on durability parameters determined in the laboratory and the fib Model Code on the one hand and the descriptive rules of concrete construction currently valid in Germany on the other. This is where the project reported on here comes in. In order to be able to assess the structural conditions realized on the basis of the current regulations with regard to durability, it is particularly important to record the reliability of a representative building stock, planned and built according to the current DIN 1045. This contribution deals with the investigation of a representative structure stock of bridge/engineering structures that have been planned and built according to the descriptive specifications of ZTV-ING and DIN 1045:2001. During the structural examinations and subsequent laboratory tests on construction material samples, durability-relevant parameters such as the carbonation rate, the chloride penetration resistance and the depth-graded chloride content were tested. On the basis of these investigations, a statement can be made on the reliability of the descriptive concept with regard to durability. The investigations also serve to identify differences between the currently discussed performance approaches and the descriptive concept.
Durability of concrete according to the performance principle – condition assessment of bridges
The durability of concrete structures is essentially ensured in the current regulations with descriptive rules. DIN EN 1992, DIN EN 206-1, DIN EN 13670 and DIN 1045 Parts 2 to 4 summarize all requirements. In the past, deviations have been identified between the results of service life considerations based on durability parameters determined in the laboratory and the fib Model Code on the one hand and the descriptive rules of concrete construction currently valid in Germany on the other. This is where the project reported on here comes in. In order to be able to assess the structural conditions realized on the basis of the current regulations with regard to durability, it is particularly important to record the reliability of a representative building stock, planned and built according to the current DIN 1045. This contribution deals with the investigation of a representative structure stock of bridge/engineering structures that have been planned and built according to the descriptive specifications of ZTV-ING and DIN 1045:2001. During the structural examinations and subsequent laboratory tests on construction material samples, durability-relevant parameters such as the carbonation rate, the chloride penetration resistance and the depth-graded chloride content were tested. On the basis of these investigations, a statement can be made on the reliability of the descriptive concept with regard to durability. The investigations also serve to identify differences between the currently discussed performance approaches and the descriptive concept.
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beton 11/2024 ab Seite 440
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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