- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen CO2-armer Zementproduktion
Aspekte und Maßnahmen
Möller, Hendrik
Der hohe Anteil der Zementherstellung am insgesamt von unserer Gesellschaft freigesetzten CO2 wird bereits seit vielen Jahren problematisiert. Zement und Beton verfügen über hervorragende technische Eigenschaften. Zusammen mit einem sehr guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und weltweit guter Verfügbarkeit sind es die enormen jährlichen Produktionsmengen, die eine globale Herausforderung für den Klimaschutz darstellen. Den durchaus beachtlichen Erfolgen bei der spezifischen Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen steht eine über die vergangenen Jahre weltweit weiter steigende Nachfrage gegenüber. Das Ziel einer klimaneutralen Zement- und Betonproduktion in Europa bis 2050 ist mit einer bloßen Fortführung traditioneller Minderungskonzepte nicht erreichbar. Es sind schnelle und durchaus radikale Veränderungen nötig. Die recht speziellen Randbedingungen, denen die Zementindustrie dabei unterworfen ist, sind in der Öffentlichkeit wenig bekannt oder werden häufig nur oberflächlich reflektiert. Im Vergleich zur gleichzeitig begonnenen Energie- oder Mobilitätswende fehlen praktisch erprobte, massentaugliche und technisch auch wirklich ausgereifte, stoffliche und verfahrenstechnische Lösungen. Zahlreiche Konzepte zur Umsetzung einer möglichst CO2-neutralen Baustoffproduktion werden derzeit parallel entwickelt und erprobt. Sie müssen, zusammen mit den klassischen Optimierungsansätzen für eine klimafreundliche Zementproduktion, unter großem Zeitdruck und dem Einsatz erheblicher finanzieller Mittel in den nächsten Jahren konsequent umgesetzt werden. Ausgewählte und teilweise vielleicht weniger bekannte Aspekte der dazu notwendigen Maßnahmen werden in dem Beitrag vorgestellt.
Options and limits for low-CO2 cement production
The high proportion of the total amount of CO2 released by our society that is due to cement production has been a problem for many years. Cement and concrete possess outstanding technical properties. Together with a very good price/performance ratio and good availability throughout the world the enormous quantity produced annually represents a global challenge for climate protection. The quite remarkable success with the reduction of specific CO2 emissions is counterbalanced by a demand that has continued to grow throughout the world over recent years. The aim of climate neutral cement and concrete production in Europe by 2050 cannot be achieved by just continuing with traditional abatement schemes. Rapid and completely radical changes are needed. The rather special constraints to which the cement industry is subject are not well known, or are often only superficially deliberated, in public. When compared with the turnaround in energy and mobility policies that started at the same time there is a lack of practically proven and also technically highly developed material and process engineering solutions that are suitable for mass production. Numerous schemes for implementing production of climate neutral building materials are currently being developed and tested in parallel. Together with the classical optimization approaches for climate-friendly cement production they will have to be implemented systematically in the coming years under great time pressure and with the use of substantial funds. This article presents some selected and sometimes perhaps less well known aspects of the measures that will be needed.
Options and limits for low-CO2 cement production
The high proportion of the total amount of CO2 released by our society that is due to cement production has been a problem for many years. Cement and concrete possess outstanding technical properties. Together with a very good price/performance ratio and good availability throughout the world the enormous quantity produced annually represents a global challenge for climate protection. The quite remarkable success with the reduction of specific CO2 emissions is counterbalanced by a demand that has continued to grow throughout the world over recent years. The aim of climate neutral cement and concrete production in Europe by 2050 cannot be achieved by just continuing with traditional abatement schemes. Rapid and completely radical changes are needed. The rather special constraints to which the cement industry is subject are not well known, or are often only superficially deliberated, in public. When compared with the turnaround in energy and mobility policies that started at the same time there is a lack of practically proven and also technically highly developed material and process engineering solutions that are suitable for mass production. Numerous schemes for implementing production of climate neutral building materials are currently being developed and tested in parallel. Together with the classical optimization approaches for climate-friendly cement production they will have to be implemented systematically in the coming years under great time pressure and with the use of substantial funds. This article presents some selected and sometimes perhaps less well known aspects of the measures that will be needed.
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