- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton – Konzepte heute und morgen insbesondere am Beispiel der Carbonatisierung; Teil 2
Betontechnische Berichte
Müller, Christoph / Palm, Sebastian
Die Einführung leistungsbezogener Nachweise als Alternative zu den deskriptiven Regeln des Betonbaus kann eine sinnvolle Ergänzung darstellen. Das Regelwerk des Betonstraßenbaus z.B. sieht seit einigen Jahren zur Vermeidung einer schädigenden Alkali-Kieselsäure-Reaktion Performanceprüfungen der Betone vor. Ähnlich ist es bei Bahnschwellen aus Beton. In beiden Fällen leisten diese Konzepte gute Dienste: Seit ihrer Einführung werden Schäden sicher vermieden. Das ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Verwendung des Betons. In weiten Teilen des Betonbaus wird das Thema Dauerhaftigkeit derzeit dagegen durch deskriptive Regeln (maximaler Wasserzementwert, Mindestzementgehalt, Mindestdruckfestigkeitsklasse, Mindestbetondeckung) behandelt. Die nächste Ausgabe des Eurocode 2 beinhaltet mit den „Exposure Resistance Classes, ERC“ nun auch ein Konzept für einen leistungsbezogenen Nachweis der Dauerhaftigkeit. Im Deutschen Ausschuss für Stahlbeton DAfStb wird die Frage behandelt, ob und wie dieses Konzept in Deutschland umgesetzt werden könnte. Zwei Aspekte sind dabei wichtig: Widersprüche zum deskriptiven Ansatz sollten sich in Grenzen halten und bereits Erreichtes bei der der Dekarbonisierung und der Ressourceneffizienz darf nicht konterkariert werden. Am Beispiel der Carbonatisierung wird dies diskutiert.
Durability of concrete – concepts today and tomorrow, in particular using the example of carbonisation; part 1
The introduction of performance-related verifications as an alternative to the descriptive rules of concrete construction can be a useful addition. The rules and regulations for concrete road construction, for example, have for some years provided for performance tests of concretes to prevent a damaging alkali-silica reaction. The situation is similar for concrete railway sleepers. In both cases, these concepts have served well: since their introduction, damage has been reliably avoided. This is an important contribution to the sustainable use of concrete. In large parts of concrete construction, however, the issue of durability is currently dealt with by descriptive rules (maximum water-cement ratio, minimum cement content, minimum compressive strength class, minimum concrete cover). With the “Exposure Resistance Classes, ERC”, the next edition of Eurocode 2 now also includes a concept for a performance-related verification of durability. The German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) is discussing the question of whether and how this concept could be implemented in Germany. Two aspects are important here: contradictions to the descriptive approach should be kept within limits and what has already been achieved in terms of decarbonisation and resource efficiency must not be counteracted. This is discussed using the example of carbonisation.
Durability of concrete – concepts today and tomorrow, in particular using the example of carbonisation; part 1
The introduction of performance-related verifications as an alternative to the descriptive rules of concrete construction can be a useful addition. The rules and regulations for concrete road construction, for example, have for some years provided for performance tests of concretes to prevent a damaging alkali-silica reaction. The situation is similar for concrete railway sleepers. In both cases, these concepts have served well: since their introduction, damage has been reliably avoided. This is an important contribution to the sustainable use of concrete. In large parts of concrete construction, however, the issue of durability is currently dealt with by descriptive rules (maximum water-cement ratio, minimum cement content, minimum compressive strength class, minimum concrete cover). With the “Exposure Resistance Classes, ERC”, the next edition of Eurocode 2 now also includes a concept for a performance-related verification of durability. The German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) is discussing the question of whether and how this concept could be implemented in Germany. Two aspects are important here: contradictions to the descriptive approach should be kept within limits and what has already been achieved in terms of decarbonisation and resource efficiency must not be counteracted. This is discussed using the example of carbonisation.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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