- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag
Innovativer Wohnungsbau in Modulbauweise
Stegink, Hermann
Wissenschaftliche Studien verweisen schon lange auf die Tatsache, dass in fast allen Städten bezahlbare Wohnungen fehlen, vor allem in den Ballungszentren. Die Bauwirtschaft stellt sich den Herausforderungen, denen jedoch die konventionellen Bauweisen allein nicht gerecht werden können. Die Bauunternehmen sind ausgelastet, außerdem beklagen sie seit Jahren einen zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel. Serielles Bauen, also Wohnhäuser aus bereits vorgefertigten Bauteilen, könnte die Kapazitäten im Wohnungsbau deutlich erhöhen und so die Situation spürbar verbessern. Die Möglichkeiten des seriellen Bauens werden zu wenig genutzt, insbesondere für mehrgeschossige Wohnbauten. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass in der Vergangenheit schlechte Erfahrungen mit dem seriellen Bauen gemacht wurden, weil ganze Siedlungen eintönig und seelenlos erstellt wurden, welche jedoch nicht modular errichtetet wurden, sondern ein Ergebnis vergangener Architektur darstellen. Natürlich geht es auch anders. Es gibt vielversprechende Versuche, die Vorteile des seriellen Bauens mit einer guten Architektur zu verbinden. So hat der Spitzenverband der Wohnungswirtschaft (GdW) in Kooperation mit dem Bundesbauministerium und der Architektenkammer europaweit einen Wettbewerb für serielles Bauen ausgeschrieben. Mit den besten neun Anbietern wurden Rahmenverträge geschlossen, die dazu beitragen sollen, dass in Deutschland mehr, schnell, kostengünstig, architektonisch anspruchsvoll und energieeffizient gebaut wird.
Innovative modular housing construction
Scientific studies have long pointed to the fact that there is a shortage of affordable housing in almost all cities, especially in urban centres. The question is: Is there a way to realise inner-city development and densification faster, more efficiently, more sustainably and, moreover, more cost-neutrally than with the conventional construction method? Planning, research, but also the transfer of the potentials of industrial processes to housing construction brought the answer: one conceivable solution is the smart concrete housing modules from Solid.box. Against the background of the tense situation on the housing market, Solid.box was created as a joint initiative of the Büscher concrete works from Heek, the Büter construction company from Grafschaft Bad Bentheim, the Roxeler Ingenieurgesellschaft and HS Consulting. The future-oriented building concept of Solid.box convinces with good floor plan design, a sustainable energy concept, with a high degree of prefabrication and a low on-site finishing effort. The basis of the residential modules is a diverse possibility of floor plan division, which thus also allows for a wide variety of uses, from student to senior living units. This allows for reliable construction times, cost calculation free of subsequent orders and also economical transport. Emissions during the construction phase are reduced to a minimum. The solid modular construction has many advantages. For example, the living climate, sound insulation, fire protection, durability, low susceptibility to water damage or wind resistance are all provided by the concrete material and by the construction. The floors, walls and ceilings are constructed with self-compacting concrete (strength class C50/60, exposure classes XC4/XD3/XS3/XF3, moisture class WA, slump flow class SF2). Each flat is equipped with a decentralised ventilation system with passive house approval including heat recovery. This halves the energy losses during ventilation. The low energy demand results from the use of high-quality insulation in combination with infrared technology including flat-rate electricity from the German technology leader: self-learning and combined with intelligent thermostat and control technology. The Solid.box modules use 100 % no fossil fuel technology. The use of other renewable energies is also planned in the area of sustainability. For example, the photovoltaic system solution. A current example of the successful application of the modular housing concept is the multi-generation house built by Solid.box in Wuppertal with 56 flats including basement, underground garage and winter garden.
Innovative modular housing construction
Scientific studies have long pointed to the fact that there is a shortage of affordable housing in almost all cities, especially in urban centres. The question is: Is there a way to realise inner-city development and densification faster, more efficiently, more sustainably and, moreover, more cost-neutrally than with the conventional construction method? Planning, research, but also the transfer of the potentials of industrial processes to housing construction brought the answer: one conceivable solution is the smart concrete housing modules from Solid.box. Against the background of the tense situation on the housing market, Solid.box was created as a joint initiative of the Büscher concrete works from Heek, the Büter construction company from Grafschaft Bad Bentheim, the Roxeler Ingenieurgesellschaft and HS Consulting. The future-oriented building concept of Solid.box convinces with good floor plan design, a sustainable energy concept, with a high degree of prefabrication and a low on-site finishing effort. The basis of the residential modules is a diverse possibility of floor plan division, which thus also allows for a wide variety of uses, from student to senior living units. This allows for reliable construction times, cost calculation free of subsequent orders and also economical transport. Emissions during the construction phase are reduced to a minimum. The solid modular construction has many advantages. For example, the living climate, sound insulation, fire protection, durability, low susceptibility to water damage or wind resistance are all provided by the concrete material and by the construction. The floors, walls and ceilings are constructed with self-compacting concrete (strength class C50/60, exposure classes XC4/XD3/XS3/XF3, moisture class WA, slump flow class SF2). Each flat is equipped with a decentralised ventilation system with passive house approval including heat recovery. This halves the energy losses during ventilation. The low energy demand results from the use of high-quality insulation in combination with infrared technology including flat-rate electricity from the German technology leader: self-learning and combined with intelligent thermostat and control technology. The Solid.box modules use 100 % no fossil fuel technology. The use of other renewable energies is also planned in the area of sustainability. For example, the photovoltaic system solution. A current example of the successful application of the modular housing concept is the multi-generation house built by Solid.box in Wuppertal with 56 flats including basement, underground garage and winter garden.
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