- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag
R-Betone mit Gesteinskörnung Typ 2 für den modernen Hochbau
Keine Angst vor R-Beton mit Typ 2-Gesteinskörnungen
Stürmer, Sylvia / Kulle, Christoph
R-Betone sind in Deutschland geregelte Normalbetone, die bisher bis zur Festigkeitsklasse C30/37 bei den im Hochbau üblichen Expositionsklassen eingesetzt werden dürfen. Alle gemäß Norm geforderten Eigenschaften werden von R-Betonen in gleicher Weise wie von konventionellen Betonen gleicher Betongüte erreicht. Bei der Verarbeitung sind die R-Betone mit Typ 1 und Typ 2-Gesteinskörnung (nach Anpassung der Betonzusammensetzung im Betonwerk) nicht von herkömmlichen Betonen zu unterscheiden. Rein äußerlich kann man R-Beton im eingebauten Zustand nicht von Beton mit ausschließlich natürlichen Gesteinskörnungen unterscheiden. R-Betone können in allen Sichtbetonklassen hergestellt werden. Durch den anteiligen Einsatz von rezyklierten Gesteinskörnungen werden die natürlichen Quellen geschont und die Deponieaufkommen des mineralischen Bauschutts reduziert. Kurze Transportwege zwischen den Orten des Rückbaus, der Recycling-Unternehmen, den Transportbetonwerken und den Neubau-Baustellen verringern den klimaschädlichen CO2-Ausstoß. Das in dem Beitrag vorgestellte, aktuelle Projekt möchte durch gezielte Untersuchungen einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass die ökologisch wertvollen R-Betone auch mit Typ 2-Gesteinskörnungen stärker im modernen Hochbau eingesetzt werden. Das ist besonders in den Regionen effizient und nachhaltig, wo verstärkt Mauerwerksbruch anfällt und die Transportentfernungen für natürliche Gesteinskörnung vergleichsweise hoch sind.
R-concretes made with Type 2 aggregate for modern building construction
R-concretes are standard concretes that are regulated in German and so far are permitted for use in the exposure classes normally found in building construction up to strength class C30/37. All the properties required by the standards are achieved by R-concretes in the same way as with conventional concretes of the same grade. R-concretes made with Type 1 and Type 2 aggregates (after adjustment of the concrete composition in the concrete plant) are indistinguishable during processing from conventional concretes. When it has been installed R-concrete cannot be distinguished outwardly from concrete made entirely with natural aggregates. R-concretes can be produced in all fair-faced concrete classes. The use of a proportion of recycled aggregates conserves the natural sources and reduces the landfilling of mineral demolition waste. The output of climate-damaging CO2 is reduced by short transport distances between the demolition site, the recycling company, the ready-mixed concrete plants and the new construction sites. The current project described in the article aims, through selective investigations, to make a contribution towards greater use of the ecologically valuable R-concretes made with Type 2 aggregates in modern building construction. This is particularly efficient and sustainable in regions where there is a large amount of masonry demolition waste and the transport distances for natural aggregate are comparatively long.
R-concretes made with Type 2 aggregate for modern building construction
R-concretes are standard concretes that are regulated in German and so far are permitted for use in the exposure classes normally found in building construction up to strength class C30/37. All the properties required by the standards are achieved by R-concretes in the same way as with conventional concretes of the same grade. R-concretes made with Type 1 and Type 2 aggregates (after adjustment of the concrete composition in the concrete plant) are indistinguishable during processing from conventional concretes. When it has been installed R-concrete cannot be distinguished outwardly from concrete made entirely with natural aggregates. R-concretes can be produced in all fair-faced concrete classes. The use of a proportion of recycled aggregates conserves the natural sources and reduces the landfilling of mineral demolition waste. The output of climate-damaging CO2 is reduced by short transport distances between the demolition site, the recycling company, the ready-mixed concrete plants and the new construction sites. The current project described in the article aims, through selective investigations, to make a contribution towards greater use of the ecologically valuable R-concretes made with Type 2 aggregates in modern building construction. This is particularly efficient and sustainable in regions where there is a large amount of masonry demolition waste and the transport distances for natural aggregate are comparatively long.
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