- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag

Hydratationsgrad basierte Kennwerte zur Vorhersage der Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton
Characteristic values based on degree of hydration for predicting the durability of concrete
Müller, Christoph / Palm, Sebastian / Wolter, Albrecht / Bohne, Thomas
Ausgangspunkt des Forschungsvorhabens war die Zunahme von bauaufsichtlichen Anwendungszulassungen für Zemente, die in Deutschland nach DIN 1045-2 nicht prinzipiell für alle Expositionklassen zugelassen sind. Im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahrens sind verschiedene Dauerhaftigkeitsprüfungen durchzuführen, die zum Beispiel in [1] beschrieben sind. Die entsprechenden Prüfverfahren sind jedoch zeit- und kostenintensiv. Die VDZ gGmbH und die Technische Universität Clausthal haben deshalb in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsvorhaben Hydra tationsgrad basierte Kennwerte ermittelt, die Rückschlüsse auf Dauerhaftigkeitskriterien zulassen. Das Verfahren zur Beurteilung von Zementen, die eine allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung erfordern, könnte damit unterstützt und ggf. beschleunigt werden. Vor der eigentlichen Dauerhaftigkeitsprüfung, die durch die Ergebnisse dieses Forschungsvorhabens nicht ersetzt, sondern nur ergänzt werden soll, kann festgestellt werden, ob ein Zement geeignet erscheint, eine solche Prüfung zu bestehen. Da in den Zulassungsprüfplänen die Betonrezepturen genau definiert sind, zielen die in diesem Forschungsvorhaben entwickelten Kennwerte nicht auf beliebig zusammengesetzte Betone, sondern auf beliebig zusammengesetzte Zemente in definierten Betonrezepturen ab. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Beton- bzw. Mörteldruckfestigkeit der in diesem Forschungsvorhaben untersuchten Zemente in den meisten Fällen nur schwache bzw. keine Orientierungswerte für die Ergebnisse der Dauerhaftigkeitsuntersuchungen liefert. Auf Basis des Hydratationsgrads von Zementstein sowie der Porosität von Normmörteln konnten Kennwerte ermittelt werden, die geeignet erscheinen, eine Bewertung hinsichtlich des jeweiligen Abnahmekriteriums der Dauerhaftigkeitsprüfungen zu ermöglichen. Für die Bestimmung der Kennwerte sind keine Versuche am Festbeton notwendig. Die Dauerhaftigkeit der zulassungskonform zusammengesetzten Betone lässt sich anhand von Zementstein- und Mörteleigenschaften abschätzen. .
The initial position for the research project was the increase in general technical approvals for cements that according to DIN 1045-2 are not approved in principle in Germany for all exposure classes. Various durability tests that are described in, for example[1], have to be carried out as part of the approval procedure. However, the corresponding test procedures are time-consuming and cost intensive. In a joint research project VDZ gGmbH and Clausthal Technical University have therefore identified some characteristic values based on degree of hydration that allow conclusions to be drawn about durability criteria. This could support and possibly accelerate the procedure for assessing cements that require general technical approval. Before the actual durability testing, which is not to be replaced but only amplified by the results of this research project, it is possible to test whether a cement is suitable to pass such a test. The concrete mix formulations are precisely defined in the approval test plans so the characteristic values developed in this research project are not aimed at concretes with arbitrary compositions but at cements with arbitrary compositions in defined concrete mix formulations. It has been possible to show that in most cases the concrete or mortar compressive strengths of the cements investigated in this research project provided only weak guide values or none at all for the results of the durability investigations. On the basis of the degree of hydration of the hardened cement paste and the porosity of standard mortars it was possible to identify characteristic values that seem suitable for carrying out an assessment with respect to the particular acceptance criteria of the durability tests. No tests on hardened concrete are needed for determining the characteristic values. The durability of concretes with compositions that conform to the approval test plans can be estimated with the aid of the properties of the hardened cement paste and mortar.
The initial position for the research project was the increase in general technical approvals for cements that according to DIN 1045-2 are not approved in principle in Germany for all exposure classes. Various durability tests that are described in, for example[1], have to be carried out as part of the approval procedure. However, the corresponding test procedures are time-consuming and cost intensive. In a joint research project VDZ gGmbH and Clausthal Technical University have therefore identified some characteristic values based on degree of hydration that allow conclusions to be drawn about durability criteria. This could support and possibly accelerate the procedure for assessing cements that require general technical approval. Before the actual durability testing, which is not to be replaced but only amplified by the results of this research project, it is possible to test whether a cement is suitable to pass such a test. The concrete mix formulations are precisely defined in the approval test plans so the characteristic values developed in this research project are not aimed at concretes with arbitrary compositions but at cements with arbitrary compositions in defined concrete mix formulations. It has been possible to show that in most cases the concrete or mortar compressive strengths of the cements investigated in this research project provided only weak guide values or none at all for the results of the durability investigations. On the basis of the degree of hydration of the hardened cement paste and the porosity of standard mortars it was possible to identify characteristic values that seem suitable for carrying out an assessment with respect to the particular acceptance criteria of the durability tests. No tests on hardened concrete are needed for determining the characteristic values. The durability of concretes with compositions that conform to the approval test plans can be estimated with the aid of the properties of the hardened cement paste and mortar.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
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