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Marktübersicht Betonpumpen und Verteilermaste
Entwicklungen und Tendenzen
Sonnenberg, Richard
Über die Hälfte des Betonabsatzes entfällt heute auf Transportbeton. Gemäß der Norm EN 206 gilt als Transportbeton der Frischbeton, der sowohl in stationären Werken als auch in mobilen Transportanlagen hergestellt wird. Nach Angaben des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Transportindustrie (BTB) erreichte die Transportbetonproduktion im Jahr 2010 in Deutschland 42 Mio. m³. Die Förderung des Transportbetons auf der Baustelle übernehmen in erster Linie Autobetonpumpen und stationäre Baustellenpumpen. Durch die internationale Finanzkrise ist auch der deutsche Markt für Betonpumpen in Bewegung geraten. Anfang dieses Jahres kaufte der Sany-Konzern aus China die Firma Putzmeister aus Schwaben. Sany ist der größte Baumaschinenhersteller in China und gehört zu den Fortune Global Top 500 Aktiengesellschaften. Im April kündigte die Firma Schwing an, dass die chinesische XCMG -Gruppe eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung an Schwing übernehmen will. XCMG wird zu den in China führenden Baumaschinenherstellern gezählt. Der Einstieg der chinesischen Unternehmen bei den beiden deutschen Traditionsfirmen baut deren Positionen in China, dem derzeit größten Markt für Baumaschinen aus und stärkt weltweit das Betonpumpengeschäft. Als mittelständige Unternehmen beleben die Firmen Elba und Waitzinger weiterhin das Angebot auf dem Betonpumpenmarkt. Der Beitrag berichtet über das aktuelle Betonpumpen- und Verteilermastangebote und den Einsatz der Maschinen auf weltweit anspruchsvollen Baustellen
Market review of concrete pumps and distribution masts
Ready-mixed concrete now accounts for more than half the concrete sales. According to the EN 206 standard the fresh concretes that are produced both in static plants and in mobile transport plants count as ready-mixed concretes. Data from the BTB (Federal German Association of the Transport Industry) show that 42 million mof ready-mixed concrete were produced in Germany in 2010. On the construction site the ready-mixed concrete is conveyed primarily by truck-mounted concrete pumps and static site pumps. The international financial crisis has also affected the German market for concrete pumps. The Sany Group from China bought the firm Putzmeister from Swabia at the start of the year. Sany is the largest construction machinery producer in China and is one of the Fortune Global Top 500 limited companies. In April the firm Schwing announced that the Chinese XCMG Group wanted to take a majority holding in Schwing. XCMG will become one of the leading producers of construction machinery in China. The access of the Chinese companies to the two traditional German companies builds up their positions in China, currently the largest market for construction machinery, and strengthens the concrete pump business throughout the world. As a medium-sized company Elba and Waitzinger continues to stimulate the range on offer in the concrete pump market. This article reports on the concrete pumps and distribution masts that are currently available and on the use of the machines on demanding construction sites worldwide.
Market review of concrete pumps and distribution masts
Ready-mixed concrete now accounts for more than half the concrete sales. According to the EN 206 standard the fresh concretes that are produced both in static plants and in mobile transport plants count as ready-mixed concretes. Data from the BTB (Federal German Association of the Transport Industry) show that 42 million mof ready-mixed concrete were produced in Germany in 2010. On the construction site the ready-mixed concrete is conveyed primarily by truck-mounted concrete pumps and static site pumps. The international financial crisis has also affected the German market for concrete pumps. The Sany Group from China bought the firm Putzmeister from Swabia at the start of the year. Sany is the largest construction machinery producer in China and is one of the Fortune Global Top 500 limited companies. In April the firm Schwing announced that the Chinese XCMG Group wanted to take a majority holding in Schwing. XCMG will become one of the leading producers of construction machinery in China. The access of the Chinese companies to the two traditional German companies builds up their positions in China, currently the largest market for construction machinery, and strengthens the concrete pump business throughout the world. As a medium-sized company Elba and Waitzinger continues to stimulate the range on offer in the concrete pump market. This article reports on the concrete pumps and distribution masts that are currently available and on the use of the machines on demanding construction sites worldwide.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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